place to

Do you want day, weekly or vacation care?

Our services

  • Züripets guarantees professional, safe and versatile dog care on more than 1,800 m2, which promotes all dog characteristics. Each animal is cared for individually with us. We undertake extended runs several times a day (depending on fitness), at different locations in the great outdoors. In small exercise groups we explore the woods with spacious meadows, rivers and streams. And that in any weather.

    Fun, variety, socialization and recreation are essential components of our care. All guests return home mentally and physically exhausted, satisfied and relaxed.

    From CHF 69 per day/12h
    Make an appointment by phone

  • The Züripets groomer stands for professional and competent grooming of your four-legged friend. We offer all the services required for complete pet grooming: bathing, blow-drying, clipping, trimming, carding, medical wellness, puppy training, customized and creative styling and much more. The focus is on loving care and the well-being of the animal.

    Detailed information at
    Züripets Groomer

    You can find the Züripets Groomer at the following locations:

    Boulevard Lilienthal 45, 8152 Glattpark (Opfikon)

    Costs: CHF 90.- per hour
    Make an appointment by phone

  • Skeleton, joints, muscles and tissues - all of these should be healthy and fit so that your dog feels well and lives without any pranks. Would you like to find out how your four-legged friend is doing? Then come to the Züripets physio check. Depending on previous conditions and illnesses, we can improve your dog's well-being, prevent illnesses and support his fitness. The Physio-Check-Up is suitable for all dogs.

    The areas of application
    - Skeletal diseases (e.g.
    - Muscular diseases / muscle tension
    - Ligament and tendon diseases
    - Degenerative diseases such as arthrosis
    - Neurological diseases
    - Spinal diseases
    - Paralysis
    - Pre- and post-operative treatment for operations such as cruciate ligament rupture / slipped disc / patellar luxation
    - Scar and wound treatment
    - Wellness treatment, also for senior dogs

    Therapy options
    - manual therapy
    - movement therapy
    - neuromuscular stimulation therapy
    - massage therapy
    - electrotherapy
    - laser therapy
    - therapeutic ultrasound

    If you have a veterinary diagnosis and/or X-ray/MRI images, it would be an advantage to bring these with you to the check-up.

    Make an appointment by phone

  • Do you have an everyday issue with your dog that you would like to improve? Then talk to us about it, Züripets is at your side.

    We are very happy to pass on our profound knowledge about dog training to you. Dog trainers are available for various problems and training concepts.

    Make an appointment by phone

  • We are your reliable pet service for all types of pets.

    Not every pet likes to spend time without you. At your request, we can also look after your pet in your home. We look after all pets such as cats, rabbits, small mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish exclusively at the pet owner's home.

    This service is offered within a radius of three kilometers of the respective Züripets location without additional travel costs.

    From CHF 35 per assignment/30 minutes
    Make an appointment by phone

  • For emergencies, many pet owners deposit their spare key under the door mat or in the flower pot. But what happens if an emergency occurs and the key cannot be found?

    The safer option is the Züripets emergency contact with key safe. Deposit your spare key with us - in emergency situations we will hand over the key to the person you trust.

    Another advantage: In urgent cases you have with Züripets immediately organized the emergency care for your pet.


Are you interested in our offer for daily, weekly or vacation care? Then contact us without obligation. We will be happy to give you detailed information about prices and conditions. 

Easy with the Züripets app

As a Züripets customer, you receive your personal customer account with which you can manage your bookings at any time. You can make appointments, view invoices, request services and much more. On the computer or even more conveniently via the Züripets app. This way we simplify your scheduling, enable real-time updates and even in-app messaging. 

Trust from the start

  • In order to be able to guarantee an optimum of security and well-being guarantee of your animal, a getting to know before the first care day with us is compellingly necessary.

    In advance, we discuss together the nature of the dog, its peculiarities and characteristics. In order to exclude food intolerances, we recommend the dog owners to provide us with the individual food of their four-legged friends.

    Our service at no extra charge: Of course, we are trained and familiar in dealing with individual peculiarities such as allergies, in administering medications including subcutaneous injections, etc.. We conscientiously plan these tasks into the care.

  • The dog owner assures that his dog is completely vaccinated, free from contagious diseases, parasites as well as not aggressive against people and other dogs.

    Basic obedience must be present and social compatibility is essential.

    We also accept puppies, young dogs and non-neutered males and spayed females.

    The conditions of admission are for the protection of your pet and for the protection of our guests. If any of these points are not met, a dog may be rejected as our guest. This applies to both males and females.

  • For animal welfare reasons, Züripets deliberately does not offer its own collection cab (pick-up and drop-off service). For the welfare of the animals, we support only direct transport routes. Therefore, Züripets provides us with a pet cab in cooperation with UberPets.

  • So that all customers can get an up-to-date impression of our dog care, we publish daily updated pictures on social media. → Instagram