to see you

Markus Schiedeck

Founder / Managing Partner
Person responsible for animal care, FBA pet sitter,
Animal breeder, dog trainer, groomer
Business responsibility Location: Züripets Glattpark Boutique

  • I was born with a deep affection for animals. Ever since I was a child, it has been mainly dogs and cats that have been my loyal and loving companions throughout my life. But not only them, but also budgies, parrots, other cat species, reptiles, fish and turtles have enriched my everyday life. I would particularly like to highlight my experiences with police dogs, medically trained assistance dogs and the gentle, sensitive lap dogs that hold a special place in my heart. These diverse encounters have not only strengthened my passion for animals, but have also laid the foundation for my professional career as the manager of a boarding kennel, where I use my love and knowledge for the welfare of the animals entrusted to us on a daily basis.

  • My vision as founder and managing director of Züripets arose from a personal necessity. As the owner of "Jack", a magnificent five-year-old Swiss Labrador and medically trained assistance dog, I was looking for adequate dog care in Zurich and the surrounding area that would meet my high standards. I quickly realized that there was no such service of the desired quality. The lack of a first-class facility in a central location offering a comprehensive range of services, supported by an outstanding service spirit and competent and passionate staff, motivated me to found Züripets. Our company sets itself apart by working with first-class partners and an exceptionally high level of expertise. At Züripets, we have made it our mission to provide care that meets the needs and well-being of the animals entrusted to us in every respect.

  • With more than four decades of experience working with dogs and specialized training as an assistance dog handler at the Swiss-German Center for Assistance Dogs, I have in-depth expertise. My active membership of SwissHelpDocs, the Swiss specialist, coordination, training, testing and registration body for assistance dogs, underlines my commitment in this area.

    I have training with specialist qualifications in the care, grooming and keeping of pets, especially dogs and cats, and am recognized as a commercial breeder of dogs and cats by the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA), Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO), with a focus on animal welfare. Further training courses such as the puppy support, young dog and training course of the Veterinary Office of the Canton of Zurich as well as advanced medical training in subcutaneous injections round off my profile. I am about to complete my training as a groomer (dog hairdresser).

    I am also a qualified dog trainer, which enables me to offer a wide range of training methods and techniques tailored to the individual needs of each dog. This expertise expands my offering and enhances my ability to promote positive development and animal welfare.

    As a long-time resident of Glattpark in the canton of Zurich, I know the local dog scene and the region around Lake Zurich very well. My network ranges from dog owners to the city administration and tradespeople to neighborhood associations and opinion leaders. My circle of friends includes vets and animal rights activists, which reflects my wide-ranging involvement with dogs and animals.

    In addition to German and English, I have a degree in business administration and extensive experience in the international hotel industry and event and destination management. My career has spanned renowned hotels and organizations such as the Burj Al Arab, Emirates Palace, Ritz Carlton, Marriott, as well as management positions at the Davos Klosters destination with the Davos Congress Center and the World Economic Forum (WEF). As CCO of the Kongresshaus Zurich, I used my excellent network, practiced service excellence and was involved in the CHF 165 million renovation of the Kogresshaus and the Tonhalle.

    For me, animals take center stage - they deserve our respect and a high level of expertise in their care.

Bea Karlen

Person responsible for animal care, FBA pet sitter
Business responsibility Location: Züripets Glattpark Loft

Bea Karlen
  • I was lucky enough to grow up with lots of animals in the countryside in Eglisau (ZH). My grandparents had a great German shepherd dog called Django and several cats. In my parents' house we lived together with our lovely cat Minka and lots of guinea pigs. I spent most of my free time at a horse farm - riding, grooming and caring for horses. In my teenage years, I loved going for walks with my Labrador dog Ayla, which I really enjoyed whatever the weather.

    Early on, I developed an unerring sense for the needs of all the four-legged friends around me.

  • One of my three children needed therapeutic help years ago due to an impairment. This is how I came into contact with assistance and therapy dogs. Over the years I got to know this area of animal-assisted therapy. It inspires and fascinates me how dogs improve and enrich our everyday life. I am very grateful that my son was able to experience help through them.

    My main profession was working with children for a long time. The high demands on patience, empathy, flexibility, understanding and humor that I brought to my job back then are also in demand from the customers of Züripets. It is important to me to be there at all times for the smaller and larger concerns of our two- and four-legged guests, to always have an open ear for them - to make Züripets a real feel-good place. Because a harmonious togetherness is above everything for me.

  • My own dog Gioja is a Labrador. With her I completed various dog courses. This experience moved me to deepen the subject and close the circle. Somehow it was only logical that I made the professional turn towards dog care out of my feeling for dogs and people. I decided to go through the Specialized Professionally Independent Training (FBA) Dog/Cat Care, which I passed with flying colors.

    With a large portion of calm, strong nerves and patience, I am there for dogs and cats at Züripets today. And I am happy about the different, special characters of the animals that I am allowed to take care of every day.

Wolfgang Kirsch-Adam

Petsitter, FBA pet sitter
Location: Züripets Glattpark Boutique

  • Dog person or cat person? Both! For almost 50 years dogs and cats are my constant companions and I can not imagine a life without them. I grew up - besides budgies, hamsters, canaries, goldfish and other fish - with two German Shepherds in the Saarland in Germany. After that followed many cat years. The cats chose me, none came planned to our home. Bagira stayed with me for 22 years. By a lucky twist of fate the dachshund-terrier-mix Buffy found her way to me, because I wanted to spare her a fate in an animal shelter. 16 happy years followed together. For both of us the thesis was true that dog and master become more similar over the years. Determined and stubborn we went happily through life together and she followed me not only at every step, but also when I changed professionally to Vienna. Together we explored new country and people and made great tours through impressive mountain landscapes.

    Her way over the rainbow bridge was painful for me, but a life without animal companions is unimaginable for me. So a few weeks later Lotti moved in with us, a mixed-breed bitch from animal welfare with a past as a street dog in Bulgaria. For seven years now, Lotti has been the boss in the house and the first female Züripet.

  • Whether dog, cat, bird or other animal - respect and appreciation are important to me in dealing with animals. At Züripets we work according to the principle of positive reinforcement as a method of education. Unnecessary severity and punishment have no place with us. With natural authority, patience, perseverance and a lot of good humor, we manage to lead even large and complicated packs peacefully and return happy dogs to our customers in the evening.

  • I am a trained and nationally recognized FBA animal caretaker. At our Züripets customers on site or at their home, I take care of cats, fish, birds and anything else that needs personal and individual care, in addition to dogs, just as lovingly.

Xenia Ferrari

Petsitter, training FBA pet sitter
Location: Züripets Glattpark Boutique

  • Since my early childhood, I have always been surrounded by animals, be it my cats, rodents or my grandparents' dogs and other family members. It has always been clear to me that our animals are valued family members and close friends. The relationship we have with our pets and the unconditional love they show us humans never ceases to fascinate me. I could not imagine a life without animal companions.

    At the moment my tomcat Jamal and my boa constrictor lady Alice are part of my animal family. My loving and funny cat means everything to me and I am grateful every day to have him by my side. Even when my beloved cat Zorro, with whom I grew up, sadly passed away two years ago, Jamal gave me an incredible amount of comfort.

  • As a Züripets employee, my focus is on the individual needs of our beloved furry friends. My aim is to ensure that all our animal guests feel at home with us and can develop their social behavior in a safe environment. Playing, discovering, sniffing: a dog day at Züripets is exciting and varied. Here your pets can simply be dogs. With various activities and plenty of cuddles, we make sure that your dogs go home with you happy and balanced in the evening.

  • As a trainee at Züripets, I will be completing my training as an FBA animal handler this spring, which will complement my specialist knowledge and further develop my skills.

    Apart from almost 20 years of personal practical experience with dogs, cats, rodents and reptiles, I have gained additional know-how in dealing with different dog breeds, as I regularly walked dogs for animal welfare on a voluntary basis. I also attended a corresponding training course.

    Before I was able to pursue my dream job at Züripets, I successfully completed an apprenticeship as an EFZ painter and worked as a customer advisor for several years.

    I am available to our customers in German and English.

Fabrizio Larocca

Petsitter, training FBA pet sitter
Location: Züripets Glattpark Loft

  • I am Swiss, but I grew up in Argentina. I grew up with the dogs Felipe and Kiara, two sweet Cocker Spaniels. I have always had a special affection for animals and now at Züripets I can live this passion every day.

  • I love helping animals, caring for them and looking after them. Animals give us unconditional love and loyalty. It is the least we can do to know that they are well looked after when we are away and to go the extra mile for them. Because whether it's a vacation, illness, family visits, vacations, short trips, spontaneous excursions - with an animal by your side, these things can be a real challenge. I am happy to take care of small animals and cats. Feeding, cleaning, playing, cuddling? No problem.

  • I successfully completed my one-year training as a dog walker at Züripets. It has taken me to a new level. In spring 2024, I will round off my profile with training as an FBA animal handler.

    Before my professional life with dogs, I studied nutritional science at the University of Buenos Aires (ARG) and Bayreuth (D). I also took part in the Mathematical Olympiad for almost ten years.

    I have a perfect command of German, English and Spanish.

Fabian Resch

Petsitter, FBA pet sitter, dog trainer
Location: Züripets Glattpark Boutique

  • I developed a deep connection to nature and the animals that live there at an early age. Originally a great cat lover, I discovered my passion for dogs when Balu, our faithful companion, came into my life when I was thirteen. This fascination for dogs is still with me today and enriches my everyday life.

    After completing my training at a renowned hotel management school, I was drawn out into the world. My professional career took me through various European countries, where I was able to gain a wide range of experience.

    In 2013, I finally moved to Zurich. I found a new home in this lively city and have enjoyed living here ever since. The combination of my enthusiasm for dogs and my professional experience in the service sector motivates me every day to get involved in the dog day care center and ensure the well-being of our four-legged friends.

  • With over 15 years of experience in Michelin-starred gastronomy and the luxury hotel industry, I decided to start a new career in the dog world at the end of 2022. My commitment and passion led me to successfully complete the Dogwalker certificate as well as the FBA pet sitter. I am currently deepening my knowledge and practice at Züripets as an FBA trainee. In addition, I am preparing for the dog instructor course at Certodog, a foundation for the welfare of dogs, in order to complete my training as a dog trainer/dog instructor in summer 2024. My extensive experience in the service sector enables me to provide excellent service for both two-legged and four-legged guests of Züripets.

  • The inspiration for my career change came from an acquaintance who has been dependent on the support of a medical assistance dog for years. This profound experience of observing how a trained assistance dog enriches my friend's life and offers him security in everyday life motivated me to continue my training as a dog trainer. My goal is to share this transformative power of canine assistance and help people build a stronger, more secure bond with their dogs.

Eva Fajka

Groomer, Petsitter
Location: Glattpark

  • You can live without dogs, it's just not worth it (Heinz Rühmann). This quote really applies to me. I couldn't imagine life without my four-legged friends. It's an indescribable relationship, a love.

    There have been dogs in my family for as long as I can remember, both with my grandparents and my parents - from the giant schnauzers to the little miniature schnauzer called Dugo. He was our first "indoor dog" and also a member of the family.

    Today I live with three dogs. With the miniature schnauzers Lady and Lola and with Cigo, who my family adopted from the animal shelter. My friends and acquaintances call me the "dog whisperer". I like all kinds of animals, be it dogs, cats, hamsters, parrots or whatever.

  • Before I moved to Switzerland, I wanted to find a job where I could continue my grooming vocation: Scissoring, trimming, washing dogs and cats. Dog grooming is also part of it. Thanks to Züripets, I was able to do this. I have found my dream job.

  • I trained as a dog beautician in 2018. Immediately afterwards, I went into business for myself and opened my own dog grooming salon. I also worked in dog care for a long time. Continuous training and the use of state-of-the-art equipment are very important to me when it comes to dog grooming.

    By the way, before I "got into dogs" professionally, I studied chemistry and was a successful handball coach.

    I speak German, English, Hungarian and Serbian.

Daniel Müller

Petsitter, training FBA pet sitter
Location: Züripets Glattpark Loft

  • As a former media designer, I bring a unique perspective to my role as an FBA intern at Züripets. My experience in visual communication and creative problem solving now flows into the care and grooming of the dogs. These creative skills allow me to find innovative approaches to interacting and playing with the animals, which enriches their experience with us. As someone who is always looking to develop and learn new skills, I see my past in media design not only as a part of my career, but as a valuable resource that I can bring to my current role to promote the welfare of the animals and strengthen the bond with their owners.

  • In my new role as an FBA intern at Züripets, I am pursuing a vision that reflects my deep interest and love for dogs. I want to be not just a caregiver, but a true friend and confidant to every animal that visits our facility. My goal is to build an individual and empathetic relationship with each dog in order to provide a customized care experience tailored to the unique needs and personalities of each four-legged friend.

    I bring a wealth of energy and passion for my furry friends and am determined to learn all I can about their care, welfare and needs. I see myself gaining valuable experience and continually developing my skills in handling and caring for dogs. I want to make sure that every dog that visits our daycare feels at home, loved and understood.

    I am looking forward to being part of the Züripets team and I am convinced that my presence will be a positive and enriching experience for all dogs and their owners. Together we strive to create an environment where all dogs feel comfortable and happy. My vision is to become an indispensable part of the lives of every dog I care for and to make a tangible difference in their well-being.

  • In my role as an FBA trainee at Züripets, I am characterized by a deep passion for animals, especially dogs, whose welfare is close to my heart. My willingness to continuously learn and develop in the care and grooming of dogs drives me to give my best every day. Thanks to my strong communication skills and poise, I am able to interact effectively and empathetically with both the animals and their owners. I am a team player who understands the importance of collaboration and a shared contribution to the realization of our vision. In addition, my adaptability allows me to respond flexibly to the diverse demands of the day-to-day business and adapt quickly to new situations, which is essential in the dynamic environment of an animal care facility.

Alexandra mold

Petsitter, animal physiotherapist
Location: Züripets Glattpark Loft

  • Since birth, four-legged companions belong to my side. I grew up with dogs, rabbits, cats and horses and can not imagine living without the fur noses. Because they are the ones who accept us without ifs and buts.

    My first own dog was Jenny, an American Staffordshire bitch, which I got from the shelter. She became a proud 17 years old. The last ten years I was accompanied by Ayko, a male Weimaraner. He, too, came from the animal shelter and had not experienced anything nice in his first eight months. He was my biggest challenge and my soul dog for eleven years. Today I live with my 16-year-old Arabian gelding Shalimoh. He enriches my life immensely.

  • By profession I am a certified animal physiotherapist. I am often in contact with dog owners who were desperately looking for suitable day and vacation care for their beloved four-legged friend. So why not try something new and fill this need, I thought to myself. I expanded my profession in a new field of activity, dog care. It was and is very important to me to offer this with a professional and competent concept. A care service to which I would also entrust my darling with a clear conscience.

    So I found Züripets, which fully meet my expectations and values. I am proud to be a part of this great team and look forward every day to the fur-nosed guests we take care of.

  • Through my dogs, which were not easy to lead, I learned a lot about leading and reading the dogs. In addition, I worked for many years in a dog shelter. For five years I have been a trained animal physiotherapist and until recently I had my own successful practice. My years of experience in dealing with different dog characters, with their behavior, with diseases and healing processes is extensive.

Noa Hürsch

Petsitter, training FBA pet sitter
Location: Züripets Glattpark Boutique

  • My heart has always been passionate about animals. Even as a child, I discovered the joy of interacting with small animals, from guinea pigs to adopting our first dog from the guide dog school in Allschwil. These creatures have always held a special place in my heart. But when Kiro came into our lives a year and a half ago, everything changed. Kiro is much more than just a dog to me; he is a loyal friend and companion whose playful nature, unconditional love and constant presence in all situations make him irreplaceable. Through him, I learned to take responsibility and appreciate life for its little pleasures every day.

  • My passion for caring for animals and ensuring their well-being is deeply rooted in my lifelong love for them. From an early age, I was able to experience the joy and responsibility of caring for guinea pigs, dogs and other animals. These experiences shaped me and taught me the importance of loving, responsible care for our furry friends. For me, pet care is about more than daily care; it's about creating a loving and supportive environment where animals feel safe and secure. I believe that animals should be treated like family members, so I am dedicated to understanding and meeting their needs. Through my internship at Züripets, I strive to strengthen the bond between humans and animals and provide a happy and fulfilling time for our furry friends.

  • With a technical secondary school diploma and extensive experience working with dogs, I have a robust skillset. My education not only enriched me with in-depth knowledge in various fields, but also fostered essential skills such as organizational talent, strong communication skills and problem-solving abilities. My many years of experience with dogs made me an accomplished and empathetic dog lover who knows their needs and behaviors and can respond to them accordingly. My skills range from training to health care, which enables me to ensure their well-being and satisfaction. In the spring of 2024, I will further enhance and expand my skills by attending (FBA) in Animal Care to further my knowledge and skills in animal care and training.

Andrii Yevchenko

Location: Züripets Glattpark Loft

  • I was surrounded by animals from birth, growing up in a family that had long since given their hearts to four-legged friends. Dogs were constant companions in our household, while my grandparents lovingly cared for cows, goats and even pigeons. My childhood was marked by countless hours spent helping to care for these animals. Particularly formative was the arrival of our pug named Mops when I was seven years old. The hours flew by with him by my side - he wasn't just a pet, he was a true friend.

    In his last years, I devoted myself intensively to his care when he needed special medical attention. Our bond deepened even further during this time. Two years ago, Mops was even allowed to accompany us on a long journey. Sadly, he passed away a year ago at the proud age of 17. His loss affected me deeply and left a hole in my heart.

    Today, I am grateful for the opportunity to work at Züripets, where I spend my days caring for a variety of dogs. This work allows me to live and share my love for animals on a daily basis, an ongoing tribute to pugs and the unforgettable times we had together.

  • My deep-rooted passion for pet care is reflected in every aspect of our work at Züripets. Inspired by the principle that "you are forever responsible for what you have tamed", we strive to give every pet owner the peace of mind that their beloved four-legged friends are well cared for in our care. Whether during working hours or on vacation, at Züripets you can trust that your pets will be lovingly walked, fed and cared for.

    I firmly believe that the responsible care of pets is a fundamental duty. Our mission is to fulfill this responsibility with the utmost care and dedication so that every pet that crosses our threshold is happy and content. At Züripets, your pets are in safe and caring hands - every day, every hour.

  • Before I started my career at Züripets, I had already gained extensive experience in dealing with a variety of dog breeds and their different temperaments. This experience forms the foundation of my daily work and allows me to respond to each animal individually. Since joining the Züripets team, I have noticed how much my dog care skills have developed.

    By gaining a deep understanding of the needs of each individual dog and applying targeted care methods, I am constantly improving my skills. This continuous development in professional animal care enables me to not only provide dogs with the bare essentials, but to noticeably improve their quality of life. At Züripets, I strive every day to give each dog the care and attention it deserves.

Our temporary staff

Location: Glattpark

  • We are Corinne, Nicolas and Markus

  • As temps at Züripets, we are part of a passionate and growing industry dedicated to the welfare and care of pets while their owners are away. We, the petsitters at Züripets, have a big responsibility: it is our job to make sure that the animals entrusted to us feel safe and secure, so that they are happy and content even when they are away from their usual home.

    Our role goes far beyond just feeding and walking. We are trained to understand and meet the unique needs of each pet, whether it's through special care, playtime that stimulates their senses, or quiet moments of attention that bring them comfort. Our in-depth knowledge of pet care and deep understanding of the behaviors and needs of different pet species allows us to provide customized care that is tailored to each pet's individual needs.

    The vision that we share as Züripets rescue workers is to create an environment where every pet receives the love, attention and care that they deserve. We strive to build a relationship with the animals based on trust and mutual respect and to create a space where they can feel safe and at home even in the absence of their families. We believe that our work not only helps to enrich the lives of animals, but also provides their owners with peace of mind and security in the knowledge that their beloved companions are in good hands.

  • As part of our team, we bring a unique blend of experience and academic knowledge, consisting of dedicated housewives and students from the fields of medicine and biology. This combination allows us to provide comprehensive and loving care for each pet. Our experience as housewives enables us to provide a warm and caring environment, while our studies give us sound insights into animal health and welfare.

    Through regular training offered by Züripets, we keep up to date with the latest pet care practices and technologies. This training expands our expertise and skills so that we can provide professional and personalized care.

    Together, we strive to create an environment in which every animal is not only cared for, but also understood, respected and loved. Our mission is to make every animal feel safe and at home, even in the absence of their owners.

Customer testimonials:

  • Inga

    "Züripets is a wonderful, loving and professional dog daycare with heart and hands for your dog. I appreciate the reliable communication and smooth processes. Here they take the time to get to know each other, build trust, share ideas, answer questions, and cater to your dog individually. All paws up!"

  • Nikola

    "We couldn't have asked for a better doggy daycare for our Louis. Markus and the whole team at Züripets take excellent care of our animal visitors."

  • Daniela

    "Züripets have taken care of our cat during our vacations, who needs to be injected with insulin twice a day. I am thrilled with the way Saphira was taken care of! They are extremely reliable, communicate excellently and you can see the great love for the animal. Markus took time to get to know us and sent photos and sweet texts every now and then, even while we were away. I can heartily recommend Züripets!"

  • Paul

    "Just great! There is a mega loving and professional approach to both the fur noses and the associated dog people."

  • Max

    "Our Lagotto loves going to Züripets! There is absolutely nothing to complain about - always happy again!"

  • Bella

    "Züripets is simply great! Markus and his team take loving care of the dogs and offer them a home. The facility is spacious and clean, and there is plenty of room to play and run around. The staff are professional and have a great passion for dogs. They make sure that the four-legged friends feel comfortable and happy. The kennel offers various activities and walks to keep the dogs entertained. I can highly recommend the kennel."